Friday, May 7, 2010

4.7. A Description of the different PC and Macintosh Operating Systems

PC is basically the acronym for personal computer that is used by an individual in his home. A PC may either be a desktop computer, a laptop or tablet machine. A PC may be used for any general purpose and some of the most common operating systems for personal computers are Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac. Most personal computers have options for high-speed internet accessibility and multimedia capabilities.

Personal computers have developed at a fantastic pace and earlier users had to write their own programs. Today, however, there is no dearth of programs for all sorts of tasks from gaming to data management for PCs.

It was in the 1980s that Microsoft and Intel started dominating the personal computer market. Just a few years earlier, Apple Inc. was set up too. Eventually, when Apple launched its own personal computer, the MacBook, apart from its iPods and iPhones, the personal computing market was split into two.

Alongside a media blitz, Apple Inc offered its personal computers with their own Mac operating systems. So, while the rest of the market had personal computers with the Windows operating software, Apple decided to hold its own. Soon, referring to a Mac meant the Apple personal computer and referring to a PC meant referring to a non-Apple personal computer! This has also led to the current confusion about the differences between a PC and a Mac. Essentially, the Mac is a personal computer too! But the branding is what makes all the difference.


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